Monday, May 2, 2011

Osama's dead!

The joyous news spread through the internet and RL quicker than if everyone found out that Justin Bieber was doing LSD.
However, it was only sort of joyous.

If you didn't know the news already (which would be weird), well, Osama Bin Laden was sorta chilling out in Pakistan for a while, probably thinking up plans to attack the US, or just hiding out because he decided he was done with all this terroristy stuff (which I doubt). But the US were like, "I THINK WE FOUND HIM. WE MUST CARRY OUT A VERY PROFESSIONALLY STRATEGIC PLAN TO ATTACK HIM!"

And they did. The (forty?) US military officer people found the giant fortress place and took the helicopters over the giant friggen 13 foot or so walls, and then they entered into the fortress and was like, "PUT UP YO HANDS, YO!"

But they didn't. After a gunfight of somewhat epicosity, Osama got shot and died. And then the US militants took the body, hopped into a helicopter and ran home as fast as they could to prove they killed Osama.


And he did. Obama wrote out a giant speech (ok,maybenotthatgiant) and walked up to a camera, addressed the nation, and began the story of Osama's capture that he wrote in about 15-20 minutes.

So everyone is all happy about what happened. Osama Bin Laden is dead, and everyone thinks they have nothing to worry about, right?
You see, Osama has all these followers (not just on Twitter) that think he did good for their terrorist jobs. They're going to want revenge. Helloooooo World War 3, eh?
Though it's not really going to be with the whole world, probably just Pakistan, Afghanistan and other places that have terrorists vs. America. But America might drag in us Canadians once we get our new F35 fighter jets, and they might bring in Britain, and maybe Australia, and all their other allies.
So there's gunna be some war. There's no doubt about it, but without Osama's intelligence they probably won't get too far (But if they do they'll die of cold once they reach Canada, not that they're really all that at war with us though).
Besides, we're mostly peacekeepers.

I'm on a computer that I have difficulty drawing with, so I'll add pictures later. I'll try to make them epic looking.

Also, I've decided on the tattoo I want to get.

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