Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Just Some Updates.

This is going to be a fairly large post. You have been warned.

Teachers can be horribly cruel, insanely nice, and plainly totally awesome. All my teachers are pretty cool, though the warm-ups my PE teacher make me do are sort of torturous. My favourite teacher is my English teacher-Mr. Hall. He appreciates my witty comments and creative stories, and we get along pretty well; we watched an episode of Destination Truth instead of doing work. I asked him today if he would celebrate Norwegian Constitution Day with me so I wouldn't feel alone. I'm part Norwegian, and I've wanted to celebrate it for a while, but unfortunately, Norwegian Constitution Day falls on the same day as St. Patrick's Day. So I've made a vow. I'm going to get a plastic viking helmet, tie my Norwegian flag around my neck as a cape, then parade throw the school singing the Norwegian National Anthem at the top of my lungs. Oh yes, and I'm going to have the Norwegian flag painted on my face. But anyhow. Another awesome teacher I have is Mr. Sull. His name rhymes with Mr. Hall, I know. But Mr. Sull is East Indian. He's still a badass teacher though. One day we were sitting in class, doing our work when some really noisy kids were yelling and shouting in the hallway. Mr. Sull was getting progressively angrier, so stuck his head out the door to see which kids it was. Two boys, fairly short, and looking like they haven't really matured yet.
What happened:
Made my day. Mr. Sull can be a bit odd though. I could have sworn he was gay or something the first few days of school, because he was wearing a bright blue lululemon hoodie, a pink shirt, blue jeans, and sandals. 
Ms. Marsh is my temporary math teacher, after that we're getting a really mean math teacher, but it can't be that bad, because Ms. Marsh is kind of mean too. My Science teacher is also the woodwork teacher, and he's pretty cool and thinks I'm awesome because I'm really smart in science and I get 100% on almost all my assignments. My Home Ec teacher is awesomesauce. As a sewing warm-up we made animals stuffed with rice, and I made a whale named Professor Fiddletwig. The teacher said we had to get fabric from the scrap bin in order to make it, so I found some fabric with oak leaves on it and used that. I didn't want to give it eyes, but the teacher insisted that the only way we would be able to get marks is if we put eyes on our critters, so I was forced to do so (I took them off afterwards, though. They looked ugly). My teacher saw me carrying him around and he didn't have eyes so she continuously glared at me and asked why I didn't have eyes. 
Me: Well, I didn't want to give him eyes. He looks weird with them...
Teacher: Oh really now?
Me: Yeah.
Teacher: *glares* Well then! We shall have a battle of the wits! You go first.
Me: You already marked him.
Teacher: Damn. That was witty. Alright, you win. 

WARNING: A bit of a rant up ahead.

My Info Tech teacher is pretty cool too, but she's not too smart at computers. I know waaaaay more than she does, but right now I'm a little resentful about Info Tech, although it is better than taking French. The teacher doesn't teach the stuff that I want to learn. All she's done since the beginning of the year is teach us how to use Microsoft Word (which is easy as hell), and now she's teaching us Excel (which I've been working with for a looong time). I wanted to take Info Tech to learn Graphic designing, 3-D modelling and photo editing and such. But I'm stuck with some assignments which take me 20 minutes to do, tops. I'm several assignments ahead of everyone and I've done more detailed work than they have.
But I'll finish ranting now.

Rant completed.

However, I learned today how much my PE teacher sucks. I had got my hair cut the other day, and personally, it looks terrible. I don't really like it. So do hide my horribly cut bangs, I brushed my hair forward from the back of my head. That doesn't quite sound very descriptive, but it's how I normally do my hair, and my PE teacher got mad at me and insisted I style my hair differently to that she could see my eyes and make sure I was paying attention. My first thought was, 'What the HELL is wrong with you?! I don't have any friends in PE, so who is going to distract me from learning? Idiot!' But I simply told her my hair does go in any other direction without feeling extremely uncomfortable. She nodded then attempted to compliment me by calling me 'tiny'. I thought I was going to explode. TINY? I'm more muscular than that woman, and she's only a could inches taller than me, so who was she to call me tiny? Sure, I'm skinny as a twig, but that's still no reason to call someone tiny. So annoyed, and a little upset, I went to home ec afterwards, where my totallyawesomesauce teacher noticed that something was wrong and asked whose ass she had to kick. 

My Unbirthday:
This occasion was named after the Alice In wonderland reference, because it was indeed, my unbirthday. Since my real birthday is in July, I asked my friends to decorate my locker on my half birthday, January 10th. But they forgot. There are few things more heartbreaking than your friends forgetting your unbirthday. So when I got to school I went to my locker in hopes of seeing it decorated, but my friend that said that she'd bring all the decorating supplies arrived only slightly earlier, so hadn't enough time to decorate it. She went up to another one of my friends and asked her to help decorate my locker, but recently Jessica got a cellphone and all she ever does is text. Jess said no, then walked away, making me feel even more heartbroken, because she had been saying she'd decorate my locker for 3 months, and then she broke that all because of her social life. So I helped Tessa decorate my own locker for my own unbirthday. It was very interesting though. She put up a colourful sign that read 'Happy Unbirthday to you!' and we taped balloons to it. Unfortunately, people are bastards, so when I got back from my first class all the balloons were gone, so at lunch we hung up more balloons then wrote threat notes on them, like, "Happy Unbirthday! Hope you have fun killing people with your swords if they take the balloons! :D " But the balloons still disappeared, so we just stuffed my locker full of them. My friend that was with me the entire time, Tessa, texted Jess saying that my locker looked awesome and that she should have helped decorate, and Jessica said she was busy at the time.

Busy doing what, eh? Texting obviously. And hanging out with her other friends. 

More updates to come. I'll try not to fill them with rants. D:

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

I Hate Ice.

Ice. I hate it. You know why? Because it's stupid. It's funny as hell to watch someone fall down on the ice, then practically fall into the splits again while trying to get up, but when it happens to you, it's a pain in the ass. Your forced to move as slowly and carefully as possible across the frigid wasteland you call the driveway/road/parking lot/whatever and you can either make it across with happy success, or you can fall down continuously until you break a bone. Your choice. Of course, no one wants to fall down and break a bone, unless you're desperate to miss something, and therefore decided it was worth the pain to fall down on a slippery substance. Personally I'm actually pretty good at walking across ice...except when it's concealed by snow. This is also where snow becomes your worst enemy. When you were little you didn't give a crap about ice and snow. You would run through that stuff in your snow-pants, jacket and mittens without a care in the damn world. If you fell down, you'd get right back up again and laugh it off. Some people still do that these days, but I'm pretty sure those people have problems. I was walking home from the bus stop today and in order to get to my street with the fastest access, you have to walk through a trail. Almost everyone that gets off at that stop takes the trail-it's fairly short and the people who own the property let kids do it all the time, so it's not a problem. But today the trail was covered in ice. Instead of straining and killing my muscles with walking slowly and carefully over it, I decided to walk through the stupid thick snow. It wasn't a great idea. My jeans got soaked and I got tons of snow in my shoes, which proceeded to soak my socks and freeze my feet. It's not just for pedestrians though, drivers suffer immensely too. So on my way to the bus stop this morning, some asshole almost hit me with his car. He was slowing down, so I decided that he was letting me go across the cross-walk. I kept walking and then he sped up. His car was about half a foot away from hitting me when the idiot finally realized he should stop. I screamed 'JESUS FUCK' at him then proceeded to punch the hood on his car. Then I stared at him right in the eye, and noticed that the bastard wasn't even looking at me, he was looking at the road, like I was invisible. So I began wondering why the hell someone would drive like that in such weather. So I made a pie chart:

Alright, there's the picture. I decided that I'd make one online and post it here, but in the process of doing so I found three websites that didn't let me make one, a whole bunch that were software's that you could download to make one, and I found what I thought was a good site, but somehow turned into a tutoring site with some random person asking me what grade I was in so that they could help me with boosting up my grades in Math, English, and Science for a kazillion bucks a month. They made lots of spelling mistakes and repeated themselves frequently. I don't think they got the message that I somehow wound up on their site in the simple progress of attempting to find a website that would allow me to make a pie chart. I told them I'd think about it, then closed up the tab. The Pie Chart above I make with Google Charts, which is actually pretty nice to me...but they made the picture too small and when I enlargened it the words at the top became fuzzy. If you can't read it, it says 'Some Reasons Why I Almost Got Hit By a Car'.
But anyway. After toiling through the wretched snow I managed to find my way through the blizzard and to my house. My brother was shovelling the driveway, blocked my way, then proceeded to talk to me in a thick Irish accent.
Terry: "Good day traveller! What brings ye out here in this cold weather?"
Me: "Coming home from school. F-ing snow and ice..."
Terry: "Ah! Well, I got me lodge back here, feel free to stay here while the storm passes."
Me: "Hahaha, thanks."
Terry: "We got moldy bread, and a bit of rotten cheese."
Me: "Do you have hot chocolate?"
Terry: "And rum!"
Me: "Awesome."
Terry: "Now in ye go, before ye catch your death."

My brother can be very inspirational at times. Unfortunately I wasn't allowed rum in my hot chocolate, but Terry sneaked a twiddle bit in mine anyway. Not that I could taste it.

And that's why snow sucks. Now I'm going back to writing a short story. Updates later.