Tuesday, January 4, 2011

I Hate Ice.

Ice. I hate it. You know why? Because it's stupid. It's funny as hell to watch someone fall down on the ice, then practically fall into the splits again while trying to get up, but when it happens to you, it's a pain in the ass. Your forced to move as slowly and carefully as possible across the frigid wasteland you call the driveway/road/parking lot/whatever and you can either make it across with happy success, or you can fall down continuously until you break a bone. Your choice. Of course, no one wants to fall down and break a bone, unless you're desperate to miss something, and therefore decided it was worth the pain to fall down on a slippery substance. Personally I'm actually pretty good at walking across ice...except when it's concealed by snow. This is also where snow becomes your worst enemy. When you were little you didn't give a crap about ice and snow. You would run through that stuff in your snow-pants, jacket and mittens without a care in the damn world. If you fell down, you'd get right back up again and laugh it off. Some people still do that these days, but I'm pretty sure those people have problems. I was walking home from the bus stop today and in order to get to my street with the fastest access, you have to walk through a trail. Almost everyone that gets off at that stop takes the trail-it's fairly short and the people who own the property let kids do it all the time, so it's not a problem. But today the trail was covered in ice...black ice. Instead of straining and killing my muscles with walking slowly and carefully over it, I decided to walk through the stupid thick snow. It wasn't a great idea. My jeans got soaked and I got tons of snow in my shoes, which proceeded to soak my socks and freeze my feet. It's not just for pedestrians though, drivers suffer immensely too. So on my way to the bus stop this morning, some asshole almost hit me with his car. He was slowing down, so I decided that he was letting me go across the cross-walk. I kept walking and then he sped up. His car was about half a foot away from hitting me when the idiot finally realized he should stop. I screamed 'JESUS FUCK' at him then proceeded to punch the hood on his car. Then I stared at him right in the eye, and noticed that the bastard wasn't even looking at me, he was looking at the road, like I was invisible. So I began wondering why the hell someone would drive like that in such weather. So I made a pie chart:

Alright, there's the picture. I decided that I'd make one online and post it here, but in the process of doing so I found three websites that didn't let me make one, a whole bunch that were software's that you could download to make one, and I found what I thought was a good site, but somehow turned into a tutoring site with some random person asking me what grade I was in so that they could help me with boosting up my grades in Math, English, and Science for a kazillion bucks a month. They made lots of spelling mistakes and repeated themselves frequently. I don't think they got the message that I somehow wound up on their site in the simple progress of attempting to find a website that would allow me to make a pie chart. I told them I'd think about it, then closed up the tab. The Pie Chart above I make with Google Charts, which is actually pretty nice to me...but they made the picture too small and when I enlargened it the words at the top became fuzzy. If you can't read it, it says 'Some Reasons Why I Almost Got Hit By a Car'.
But anyway. After toiling through the wretched snow I managed to find my way through the blizzard and to my house. My brother was shovelling the driveway, blocked my way, then proceeded to talk to me in a thick Irish accent.
Terry: "Good day traveller! What brings ye out here in this cold weather?"
Me: "Coming home from school. F-ing snow and ice..."
Terry: "Ah! Well, I got me lodge back here, feel free to stay here while the storm passes."
Me: "Hahaha, thanks."
Terry: "We got moldy bread, and a bit of rotten cheese."
Me: "Do you have hot chocolate?"
Terry: "And rum!"
Me: "Awesome."
Terry: "Now in ye go, before ye catch your death."

My brother can be very inspirational at times. Unfortunately I wasn't allowed rum in my hot chocolate, but Terry sneaked a twiddle bit in mine anyway. Not that I could taste it.

And that's why snow sucks. Now I'm going back to writing a short story. Updates later.

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