Friday, February 11, 2011

Egypt is happy again-and other updates.

Pretty damn happy. 
The president was all, 'Oh. I've been working this job for 30 years. I wanted to stay until September, but I'm a bad aspect.' Yeah. You were, dude. 

As for the other updates, I'm putting a design to the page, and possibly making a banner. Actually, you know what, I will make a banner. But right now I'm starving and my fingers are all jittery as a result. I need food. D;

And VALENTINES DAY! Known by some as Singles' Awareness Day, and one person on gaia called it "unimaginative, consumerist-oriented and entirely arbitrary, manipulative, and shallow interpretation of romance day." 
I'm making Origami hearts with pouches on the inside, which I'm going to fill with candy and a valentine, then sew up the sides in a matter that makes it easily accessible from the middle. 

And something is weird about this font style or something. The words seem closer together about midway through this upper part. 


Also, mom and dad were yelling at me to do something productive other than sit at the computer all day. Sitting at the computer all day is what I do to BE productive. You wouldn't believe the stuff I learn from spending 8 hours a day on this contraption. I'm a writer and designer, it's what I do, mom and dad. And I'm perfectly fit, so stop complaining.  

Edit: Ok, so it only looks weird when I'm editing it. 

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