Sunday, May 1, 2011


Before I begin my usual post, I'd like to wish everyone a Happy Easter. For Easter we get these baskets that are filled with goodies and hidden anywhere in the house, and we have to go look for them. I found everyone else's basket except for my own, and then Becka eventually found mine. After being given a few hints I finally decided to look in the furnace room.

My sister got it down for me. *forever grateful*

So afterwards I was all:

But anyways. Enough of Easter, I have more IMPORTANT NEWS!

First of all being I completed Book II of COMA.

Second of all being related to the title: some theories.
So we all know that humans have evolved throughout time. Unless you're so convinced by that whole 'Adam and Eve' stuff. But whatever. Religion is silly and nonsensical. Though I like Buddhism.

So if we've evolved, then we're more than obviously going to evolve again. There's no doubt in it. (unless we all die before that happens.

What we're probably going to do next time we evolve:

Glow in the dark.
Scientists have discovered that people do indeed glow in the dark, it's just that the light particles they give off are not visible to the naked eye. Given this, it probably means that in the future we'll be able to glow. If that's the case we might turn into some deep underwater fish. Or just a glowy person.

We've gone from some primate thing to what we are now, so there's always a possibility we could grow into a bird-like animal of some sorts. Besides, our skulls have shrunk significantly over the past who-knows-how-many-years so we might turn into bird headed animals.

Turn into a fish.
As said before we may glow vividly in the dark in the future, so we may become underwater dwelling animals. The thing is, over millions of years you'll notice we've lost a lot of body hair. So in place of that body hair we might grow scales, or shark/whale like skin.

Something really creepy.
We might turn into aliens. Or beetles. Hell, we might turn into part giraffe, part goose, part fish, part dinosaur, and part lion like animals.

Also, the idea of dragons, if they don't exist (for whatever stupid reason), they probably came from people in ancient times who found dinosaur bones and didn't know how to explain them to everyone else and were like. "OH. YEAH. THESE ARE UMMMM, BONES OF A....DRAGON! YEAH. A DRAGON. I KILLED IT. SHOULD'A SEEN THE CREATURE. FRIGGEN HUGE. TRIED TO....UMMM....BREATHE FIRE AT ME! YEAH, THEY BREATHE FIRE. PRETTY COOL HUH?"

That's pretty much it for today.

Also, for Easter, I got a white teapot, painted it all steampunkish and gave it to Becka. She liked it. :D

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